Origami Project - Microsoft’s Portable PC

Microsoft Origami

Tomorrow Microsoft will reveal a new tablet PC to the world which they refer to as an Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC). Dubbed the Origami Project, it is a joint effort between Microsoft, Intel and various other manufacturers. There has been a large teaser campaign going on for the past few weeks with the Origami Project web site not revealing much information about the product at all.

We believe there are 3 main target areas with the device:

  1. Portable media (movies, MP3s etc)
  2. Wireless internet access
  3. Electronic books

The device runs a special version of Windows XP like Windows CE. It is believed to have extremely low power consumption. The initial devices may struggle, but it is hoped future versions of the tablet will produce more than 12 hours of battery life.

The Origami is not designed to be a portable game platform, but no doubt it is capable of playing low-end games. It is more a hybrid of business function and portable media entertainment. The first unit does not have a keyboard but may feature an iTech virtual keyboard.

iTech Virtual Keyboard

This keyboard is very fancy indeed. It’s been around for a while but iTech seems to only be gaining momentum with it’s marketing in recent times. Video of the iTech virtual keyboard in action (click on the first picture in the link).

For more information on the Microsoft Origami you be sure to check out this CNBC video which actually shows the first 2 units! - Video of a working Origami prototype from the Intel Developers Conference

6 Responses to “Origami Project - Microsoft’s Portable PC”

  1. scott Says:

    Some more video of Ultra Portable PCs..

  2. scott Says:

    Official Intel video of UMPCs..


    I just hope we don’t get RSI in the future from all the typing with our thumbs! (have you every played a console game for a long time? Ouch!) :)

  3. Pics Itech | Pafos Photos Says:

    […] iTech Virtual Keyboard gootheory.com […]

  4. help with essays Says:

    Ha, interesting. Intriguing I’d even say. I’d like to test this keyboard

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